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电话: 0551-5399077
姓名: Angel
anhui qingfa group qiangfa trade co.,ltd.

  We have our own factories,we produce polyester comforter set, blankets and bath mat *域名隐藏* export our products directly. The cost is higher and higher in China now. But we always promise our customers that our offer must be lower than any other suppliers in China. Because we never stop looking for the best way to keep the lowest costs. Our products sold to America, Canada, Mexico and many other countries....

主要产品/业务: home textile,comforter set, blankets and bath mat set....

anhui qingfa group qiangfa trade co.,ltd. / 安徽 / Office 501 huangshan west road 624,hefei,anhui,china ( ) / 电话:0551-5399077

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